Can I grow houseplants (like a spider plant) in my aquarium? How do you grow them?

~ 0 min
2002-10-24 19:02

I have seen some vine type houseplants growing in various fish tanks but most are not below the water surface except for roots. The spider plant I have not seen and am not sure if it simply cannot grow at all associated with an aquarium or not. I would assume that it does not do well and definately not submerged. Typically plants come in land only, bog, and aquatic. Only Aquatic does well underwater. Another plant I have seen that appears to have done relatively well is Pothos and Philadendron. Normally these only have roots in the water (which help with algae by removing extra fertilizer) but the leaves do not survive long underwater. Normally these grow in a pot with a vine with roots dangling into the water. In this case it was with a Eclipse 1, Eclipse 2, and Eclipse 3 type hood. In the Eclipse hoods the plants were growing outside the tank and then gradually grew into the tank and attached to the plastic in the hood due to the high amount of splashed water due to the biowheel and occasionally dipped into the tank a little prefering to stay near the tank lights at the surface. You do need to be very careful with some houseplants in a fish tank due to them rotting easily and sometimes giving off toxins into the water or being poisonous if eaten.

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