Hi. I want to know where can i find the fish tank that is not make of glass. (glass is heavy) thank you.

~ 0 min
2003-08-14 21:39

What you are looking for is an acrylic tank. There are many manufacturers of these type of tanks either glued together with silicone or solid molded. Typically the best resource for info on this is searching with google or other search engines for do it yourself aquarium instructions. This will explain the thickness needed of arylic sheets and the process of gluing it if you wish to make your own. If you dont want to make your own also search for manufacturers and acrylic aquariums and you should start finding a list of companies who make arylic tanks. Most of these are marketed toward saltwater reefs since it is less expensive (and lighter) to make really large tanks in arylic. If you find a few brands check your local fish store to see if they carry any of those brands and can get you more info and possibly order it for you.

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