Should I get goldfish (or any other fish)?

~ 0 min
2001-07-23 18:53

Some like goldfish but some do not. Some people love guppies some hate them. There really is no better fish to get. No matter which fish you get you need to have good information on what that fish needs. If you wish to mix fish then you need to be sure they are compatible with each other for environment and for compatibility with each other. A fish that lives well in 6.8 to 7.2 pH water would survive if compatible with another fish that needs 7.0 to 7.6 pH water. However you need to understand as well that this limits your water quality to only being capable of fluctuating between 7.0 and 7.2 pH. If you have the ability and patience (and finances if you wish to automate this) to keep the quality proper then you would be ok getting these fish.

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