when does a fish fins grow back
It depends on how badly the fins were damaged, the type of fish, age of fish (whether it is still getting significantly bigger or about ...
What kind of fish should I get?
Choice of fish is a personal decision as well as a habitat and compatibility decision. Remember "Agressive" is a relative term with fish. Some fish ...
What causes Yeast to not work in a DIY CO2 system?
From my knowledge of professional baking Yeast is a microscopic plant that ferments sugars by producing enzymes. There are two main types of enzymes created ...
What kind of yeast should I use?
Almost all of the documentation on CO2 DIY system use Active Dry or Bread Machine yeast. I have seen suggestions for win e and champagne ...
What does NO/RO, CF, HO, and VHO mean?
When you are dealing with fluorescent lamps you have different output levels of lumens and watts per bulb. Typically lamps are as follows: NO/RO (Normal ...
What does K mean on lights?
This stands for the measurement Kelvin. It is expressed in degrees Kelvin. This is used to rate the color temperature. Lights in the range of ...