How do I disinfect/sterilize my aquarium tools?

~ 0 min
2008-01-27 00:28
Obviously before any disinfecting of tools you need to remove any loose materials from the tools. You then have several options. If you have 3 days you can soak them in a bunch of potassium permangante in water till you cannot see through it from being so dark purple. Soak it for 3 days. Rinse well. This will normally stain many objects and is not perfect. It also must be kept away from UV light.

My recommendation is one of the following:

Table Salt - 350g salt to 1 liter water. Lasts pretty much forever. Never goes bad. Just top off with tap water. Soak everything for at least 24 hours. Keep in sealed bucket when not in use. Be sure to label it in case you mix it up with something else. Great for nets and small tools.

Isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol - Use 70% alcohol solution on hard surface tools and hands. Best if kept in spray bottle or container with air tight seal. Spray till covered completely and then allow to evaporate. Soak tools in container for a few minutes, then remove and allow to air dry. Alcohol evaporates quick and is flammable. For hard objects using the spray method repeat a second time a few hours later. Always use alcohol to disinfect when you suspect a Tuberculosis infection as this can be spread to humans.

Formalin - *WARNING FORMALIN IS FORMALDEHYDE* Formaldehyde is basicly embalming fluid. It is a carcinogen. It can iritate the respitory tract and skin as well. It must be used in well ventilated areas. Mix 30ml of standard 35-40% formalin with about 2.5 gallons of water. Soak items in the solution for about 2 hours. This will kill pretty much every single thing possible from your tank with absolute certainty but with higher care needing to be taken in handling. Always rinse tools well when done soaking. Best to use thick rubber gloves when removing items from the bucket and always keep well sealed in and airtight container.
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